University of Modena and Reggio Emilia
From human and animal entomophagy to waste reduction: limits and regulatory spaces in the use of insects and derivatives
In the last few years, Also in Italy, the attention towards the multiple potentialities of the use of insects has progressively grown, complicit in the advent of EXPO2015 and greater sensitivity towards the issues of sustainability and the circular economy. As for human nutrition, The rules (EU) 2015/2283 has definitively clarified that insects must be considered "new foods" and that their placing on the market is therefore subject to prior authorization (The, in some cases, to notify). Likewise, The rules (EU) 2017/893 has amended the Regulations (THIS) n. 999/2001 e (EU) n. 142/2011 authorizing the use of certain species of insects in the breeding of aquaculture animals. Other standards, including those on animal by-products, prevent the use of certain waste materials as substrates, thus effectively hindering both research on new uses of insects and the implementation of circular economy projects that see them as protagonists. In the regulatory heap, the contribution intends to offer an overall picture of the legislation governing insecticulture, its derivatives and their marketing.