ENEA National Agency for New Technologies, energy and sustainable economic development
Insects and larvae to reduce volume and FORSU microbial load
They will be
the results of an experiment conducted in the laboratory are exposed
aimed at characterizing a process of bioconversion of sludge
purification of urban waste water mediated by the scavenger dipteran H..
illucens. The tests conducted in batches included analysis of
substrates and larvae in pre and post conversion, setting up a
bioassay with two theses (substrates consisting of al 75 and al 50 %
mixed with a specific artificial diet for the insect). It was wanted
evaluate the efficiency of bioconversion in terms of reducing the
initial substrate, decrease of the loads of pathogenic bacteria e
the concentration of heavy metals, as well as the production of
insect biomass.
The experimentation was carried out at the Biomass Laboratory e
Biotechnologies for ENEA Energy, Casaccia Research Center (Roma)
in collaboration with researchers from the Reggio Emilia office
of the Experimental Zooprophylactic Institute for Lombardy and Emilia
Romagna (IZSLER) and the ENEA Research Center in Frascati.